
GOS Services

Heating, plumbing and electrical services for homes and businesses

How to Become More Energy Efficient

Why is being Energy-Efficient is so Important?

Commercial Plumbers Manchester

We live in an era where energy is a vital part of maintaining our everyday lifestyles. In today’s society, modern technology and appliances are so advanced that they exceed the basic purposes of comfort and convenience to those who are using it. Energy is progressively becoming limited as the demand for it increases every year. There are no disadvantages to being energy efficient, so why not save energy?
There are many reasons why being energy efficient is so important for today’s society. These factors benefit both you as a user of energy and the environment. Energy efficiency has increasingly become more important as years go by. Most of your domestic energy is powered by fossil fuels and due to cumulative population and trading, meaning that these natural resources are being used up very quickly. It is important that we try to save energy for these following reasons:
Saves natural resources– these resources have been produced from over hundreds of millions of years and the supply is rapidly decreasing.
Cuts down on pollution which is better for the environment – when extracting fossil fuels the process generates air and water pollution which harms the environment and the communities surrounding it. The less demand, the less extraction and consequently less pollution.
It saves you money as an energy consumer – using heating and electricity less means that you will save on your energy bills.

Energy-Efficiency in Your Home

Heating accounts for around 55 to 60% of your home’s energy bills. If you do not have a modern energy-efficient boiler, then you could be losing money every month and wasting energy. From 2005, the Building Regulations states that all boilers set to be installed in domestic properties had to be condensing boilers. Condensing boilers can be in the form of combi boilers and heat-only boilers, but all new boilers produced will be condensing boilers.
Condensing boilers have a larger heat exchanger which means that they can recover more heat, whereas a non-condensing boiler loses some of its heat in the hot gases that travel up the flue. A non-condensing boiler generally takes air in from inside the room, whereas a condensing boiler is fully sealed and so they are safer as there is a lower risk of anything being drawn into the boiler. If your bills are inexplicably high, then it could be because you are in need a replacement boiler.
If you have a boiler older than 10 years, then it is most likely a D rated boiler which is not energy efficient. The modern condensing boiler with A rating efficiency would save you a lot more money and so it would be beneficial for you to get a replacement boiler installed. At GOS Heating, we can examine your situation and install a modern energy-efficient boiler within your home and save you more money.

Other Home Improvements to Save Energy

As well as fixing your heating systems, there are many other things that you can implement within your homes. These appliances are:
Heating controls – there are many different control systems that you can use to change the temperature and times of when your heating is on or off. There are more advanced control systems that allow you to manage your controls from your phone.
Heat recovery devices and systems – these are ventilation systems which use warm air in your property to help warm other parts of your property. This system helps to get warm air constantly circulating through the house.
Maintenance – if you get regular servicing for your heating systems then you can save energy and money as your heating will work as efficiently as it should do. Regular maintenance can prevent cold spots in your radiators and prevent high energy bills.

Energy-efficiency is very important and there are many easy methods to help save energy, starting from today! Our engineers at GOS Heating are very aware of how to make your home as energy-efficient as possible. Call us now, and we can advise you on how to make your house as efficient as possible. We have worked with many customers to install these energy saving appliances which have resulted in them saving money in the long run too.


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